How To Tell If Your Hydraulic Pumps Needs Service Or Rebuilding

Posted on: 22 June 2020


Hydraulic systems depend on the hydraulic pump to create the pressure the system needs to function correctly. If the pump is not working, the system will not function properly, and the job it is intended to do will not be possible. A hydraulic pump rebuild is often possible if the system is not working correctly, but it needs to be done right. 

Falling System Pressure

One of the first signs that there is a problem with the hydraulic pump in your hydraulic system is a lack of pressure coming from the pump. If the pump is leaking, the pressure can drop as a result of the open space that is allowing the oil to leak from the system, and with it, the pressure that is supposed to be in the system. 

A hydraulic pump rebuild is an excellent way to ensure that the seals and gaskets are all tight and stop the oil from leaving the system. If there is no leak that you can find, the problem may be inside the pump, and that will require a tech to disassemble the entire hydraulic pump to find the problem. 

Gear Pumps

One of the most common pumps used in hydraulic systems is gear pumps that use an internal gear to push the oil through the pump. Any gaps in the space around the gear can allow the oil to seep past the gear as it is turning, allowing the system pressure to drop below the requirements for the system.

If the gear is worn, a hydraulic pump rebuild is the only solution to fix the problem. The pump must be taken apart and the gear inside examined for damage or wear. If the gear is damaged, the tech working on your hydraulic pump will replace it and resurface the surfaces inside the pump so that the gear seals against the surfaces and forces the oil through at the required pressure.

Piston Pump Systems

Another common hydraulic pump uses a piston that forces the oil into the system under pressure. On each stock of the piston, the oil is drawn into the cylinder then pushed out as the piston moves forward. A hydraulic pump rebuild on this system is slightly different than a gear pump, but not difficult. 

The hydraulic pump tech will need to replace the seals close the gap between the cylinder wall and piston so that the piston can make the proper pressure as it moves and sometimes the walls of the cylinder or chamber that the piston is in need surfacing during the hydraulic pump rebuild. If everything is tight, the pressure in these systems can be substantial and provide pressure for high-pressure systems without any difficulty.